Spreading Service
Why Use Our Spreading Service?
As bulk fertiliser buyers and suppliers, Payne Crop Nutrition provides various types of spreading service.
We supply bulk fertiliser delivered and spread saving you time and money by reducing costs and cutting out big bag waste.
We carry out soil testing to ensure accurate PK/MgO and trace elements applications.
If you spread your own fertiliser we recommend calibrating your own spreader for optimum results with SCS Spreader and Sprayer Testing Ltd.
It is important to adjust the spreader to the correct settings. Check your spreaders are calibrated correctly before spreading your fertiliser.
Failure to check your fertiliser spreader is properly calibrated could result in wasting fertiliser and variable crop growth.
Tray testing and calibration is the only way to ensure an accurate application whether the machinery is old or new. Two items must be considered when calibrating a spreader.
The distribution pattern of the spreader. That is, the pattern the fertiliser makes as it strikes the ground after being thrown out by the spreader's impeller. There are many factors that affect the distribution pattern of a rotary spreader and some of them relate directly to the product. For this reason, we recommend that the spreader be calibrated separately for every type of fertiliser which is to be applied.
The fertiliser application rate, which is the amount of fertiliser applied per thousand square feet. This is important because over-application can be costly and may cause plant injury, while under-application will reduce the effectiveness of the fertiliser.
Payne Crop Nutrition recommend, when using your own spreader, to use SCS Spreader and Sprayer Testing Ltd, they will check the fertiliser prill size, strength and width, then go out into your field with a full set of trays, do a pass with the tractor and spreader, and collect the contents to asses the fertiliser distribution pattern, at this point final adjustments can be made to your spreader.
Checking your spreader settings ensures your fertiliser is spread efficiently thus cutting waste and cost.